
The County of San Diego has secured a Community Plan Amendment (CPA) and rezone through the City of San Diego to allow for multi-family residential use on the site. The CPA process is a discretionary action by the City that requires an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act or CEQA.

The County initiated CPA/rezone with the City and associated CEQA analysis in September 2018.

On March 10, 2020, the San Diego City Council approved the Community Plan Amendment (CPA) and rezone for the site.

The previous base zoning at the project site was Commercial-Office (CO-1-2), which allowed for affordable multi-family residential uses. The CO-1-2 zone is intended to accommodate a mix of office and residential uses that serve as an employment center and permits a maximum density of one dwelling unit for each 1,500 square feet of lot area. The CPA provides for residential at the site with a density of up to 73 dwelling units per acre in order to facilitate the development and continued operation of affordable multi-family homes.

What is a CPA?

A Community Plan Amendment is an amendment to an adopted plan that can be triggered by a variety of factors. The CPA process is a discretionary action by the City that requires an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) under the California Environmental Quality Act or CEQA. View CPA related documents on the Documents page


What is an EIR?

An EIR identifies and examines the likely environmental effects of a proposed project on a variety of resource areas and proposes measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate them.

Environmental Impact Report

Community involvement is essential to the CEQA process, which provides several opportunities for public participation. As the first step, the County solicited input during the scoping period on the types of environmental issues, mitigation measures and alternatives to address in the EIR. The County then released the Draft EIR for a 45-day public review and comment period from Oct. 9, 2019, through Nov. 25, 2019.

The Final EIR was released in January 2020 and addressed comments raised during the Draft EIR public comment period. The County of San Diego Board of Supervisors certified the Final EIR on January 14, 2020.

The CEQA process will conclude with a Notice of Determination.


The CEQA process for an EIR is made up of three stages: 1) Scoping, 2) Draft EIR, and 3) Final EIR.

The EIR public scoping period was initiated on September 10, 2018 and was extended beyond the required 30 days to October 19, 2018 to allow for additional input. Two EIR scoping meetings were held during this period, the first on September 25, 2018 and the second on October 15, 2018.